Flow Through an Orifices Apparatus
Brand: Tecquipment
Model: H4
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Manufacturer: United Kingdom
- Should be a cylindrical tank with an adjustable diffuser that demonstrates flow through different orifices for different flow rates
- Should allow students to measure: Decrease in flow, Contraction of the stream and Energy loss
- Should have facility to use the apparatus to study different shapes of orifice
- Should have a transparent cylindrical tank, with a mounting in the base for different orifices
- The apparatus should be supplied with a sharp-edged orifice already mounted
- The flow rate and an overflow pipe should set the water level
- Water should leave the tank through the orifice
- A Pitot assembly should hold a sharp bl-ade and a Pitot tube which students can position anywhere in the jet
- The blade should accurately measure the jet diameter
- Manometers should connect to the Pitot tube and a tapping in the base of the cylindrical tank to measure the total head on the orifice and in the jet
Experimental Capabilities:
- Investigations into a variety of orifices over a range of flow rates, including:
- Determination of contraction and velocity coefficients
- Calculation of discharge coefficient
- Determination of actual discharge coefficient and comparison with calculated values
- Determination of the various coefficients over a range of flow rates to demonstrate the influence of Reynolds number
- Study of the characteristics of different orifices
Technical Specifications:
- Sharp-edged Orifice: 13 mm diameter
- Circular orifice dimensions:
- Length 13 mm, with 60° contraction and 60° diverging section
- Length 13 mm, with 29 mm diameter bell-mouth approach to 60° diverging section
- Length 60 mm, with 29 mm diameter bell-mouth approach to 51 mm long parallel section
- Length 60 mm, with 29 mm diameter bell-mouth approach, to 30° diverging section and 25 mm long parallel section
- Triangular orifice dimensions: Each side nominally 12.1 mm, including 1.5 mm corner radius
- Square orifice dimensions: 9 mm square
- Orifice material: Aluminium
- Printed operation manual should be supplied
Hydraulics Data Management System Software:
- Simple software tool for manual data entry and recording of data for hydraulics experiments
- Intuitive and easy-to-use, with clear, customisable display and layout options
- Automatic calculation, charting and data export for efficient use of students? and lecturers? Time
- Recording data manually
- Display of data in digital form or as an analogue meter
- Logging of data for printing and later analysis
- Export of data to Excel
- Perform calculations of recorded data
- Create charts with live updates as data is entered
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